Outstanding Fees

The "Outstanding Fees Report" page is designed to offer a detailed and comprehensive view of outstanding fees within a specified date range. The combination of summary statistics, export options, search functionality, and a detailed transactions table ensures that users have all the necessary tools to effectively monitor and manage outstanding fees. Regular use of this page can significantly improve the efficiency of financial tracking and follow-up processes within the institution.

Outstanding Payment Records

The core component of the page is the detailed transactions table, which lists individual outstanding fee transactions. The table includes multiple columns such as PID (payment ID), name of the student associated with the payment, with an edit option to view more details related to payment information, outstanding amount, contact details of the student and their family, with icons indicating available communication methods (e. g. phone, whatsApp), schedule date, number of days remaining until the payment is due, PRN (payment reference number), bank, course, and branch.

This table provides a comprehensive view of all outstanding fees, enabling administrators to manage and follow up on due payments effectively. At the bottom of the table, a row displays the total outstanding amount for all listed transactions. This total is prominently highlighted, providing a clear summary of the overall outstanding fees, which is crucial for financial planning and management.

Outstanding Payment Records

Date Range and Summary

The page shows a date range selector that allows users to specify the period for which they want to view outstanding fees. Adjacent to this selector, there are summary boxes displaying the total number of payments and the total amount of outstanding fees for the selected date range. These summary boxes provide users with a quick overview of the key statistics related to outstanding fees, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions at a glance.

Date Range and Summary

Payment Reminder

Select contact number from the columns tab. Use the contact information provided to follow up with students and parents regarding outstanding payments. Each contact number includes clickable icons to quickly send text messages or whatsapp messages. Click twice on the whatsapp or message icon to send the payment reminder messages to the selected contact number.

Payment Reminder

Export Options

To the right of the summary boxes, there are buttons for exporting the data in various formats, including PDF, CSV, and Excel. These export options allow users to download the transactions table for further analysis, record-keeping. This functionality ensures that users can work with the data outside of the system, making it versatile and accessible for different purposes.

Export Options And Column

Filter Options

This filter panel provides administrators with multiple options to filter the overdue fees list based on date range, courses, banks and branches. Filter option enhances the functionality of the overdue fees list by allowing more targeted and specific searches, making it easier to manage and analyze the data.

Click Filter Icon
Filter Options

Search Bar And Column

A search bar is provided above the transactions table, enabling users to quickly locate specific records. This search functionality is essential for managing large datasets, as it allows users to filter the table based on specific criteria such as student names, payment ids, or dates. Additionally, a "Columns" dropdown menu allows users to customize which columns are visible in the table, giving them control over the information displayed according to their needs.

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