Institute Master

The "Institute Master" page allows administrators to manage schools and colleges of the students studying in their institute. This includes adding new institutes, updating existing institutes and deleting them.

Institute Master

Institute List

  • Search Bar

    Allows searching for specific institutes from the list.

  • Institute Table

    Displays a list of institutes along with their details Such as serial number, Institute name, branch and delete button.

Institute List

Filter Institutes

  1. Select the desired branch from the "Branch" dropdown menu.

  2. Click "Get Institute " to display the institutes available for the selected branch.

Filter Institutes

Add New Institute

  1. Click the () plus icon, a popup screen appears.

  2. In the "Add/Update Institute" screen, enter the institute name.

  3. Click "Save changes" to add the new institute.

  4. To cancel, click the "Close" button.

Click Add Icon Add

Update Existing Institute

  1. Click the "Edit" button next to the institute you wish to update.

  2. In the "Add/Update Institute" modal, modify the institute name.

  3. Click "Save changes" to update the institute.

  4. To cancel, click the "Close" button.

Click Edit Icon Edit

Delete Institute

  1. Locate the institute you wish to delete in the table.

  2. Click the "Delete" button associated with the institute.

  3. Confirm the deletion if prompted.
