
The lectures page provides an organized view of lectures, displaying key details for each lectures session. It allows users to track and manage lecture schedules efficiently. The combination of export options, search functionality, and customizable columns ensures that users can tailor the view to their needs and efficiently manage lectures.

Lecture Overview

The main feature of the page is the lecture table, which lists all the lectures with various details. The table includes the following columns such as status which indicates the status of the lecture, i. e. scheduled, cancelled, or conducted, providing a quick visual representation of the attendance for each lecture, date on which the lecture is scheduled, helping users keep track of upcoming lectures, start and end times of the lectures, ensuring clarity on the lecture duration, batch taking the lecture, making it easy to see which groups are scheduled for which lectures, subject of the lecture, specific topic covered in the lectures, sub topic, classroom where the lecture will take place, lecturer who is taking the lecture, duration, teaching time, break, notification icon indicates whether the notification has been sent and admin who has added the test.


How To Add Lecture

Click Add Icon

To schedule a new lecture record click on the () plus icon near table, a popup screen will appear enter the details such as academic year and date on which lecture will be held, lecture timing, punch-in range, branch, classroom, course, batch, subject, teacher. Close button allows users to exit the form without saving any changes, providing a way to cancel the scheduling process if needed. Save changes button enables users to save the entered information and schedule the lecture, ensuring that all necessary details are recorded and the lectures is officially scheduled.


Mark Lecture

To mark/edit any lecture click on the lecture status, mark lecture page will open and you can perform further actions.

Mark Lecture

Apply Filter

This filter panel provides administrators with multiple options to filter the lectures based on academic year, date interval, lecture status, branch, courses, batch and branches, lecturer, subject and topics. Filter option enhances the functionality of the exams by allowing more targeted and specific searches, making it easier to manage and analyze the data.

Click Filter Icon
Filter Options

Export Option

Users can export the data in various formats, including pdf, csv, and excel. Next to the export buttons, there is a "columns" dropdown menu that allows users to customize which columns are displayed in the table, enhancing data visibility according to user preferences.

Export Option

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