
The "Expense Report" provides a detailed view of the expenses incurred within a specified date range. It includes a summary of the expense categories, transaction modes, banks, and branches involved in the expenses, as well as a detailed table listing individual expense transactions. This layout helps in managing and reviewing the financial outflows effectively.

Graphical Summary

Graphical Summary


The "Categories" component visualizes the total expenses categorized by different categories such as electricity bills, rent, salaries, or other services. Displayed in a donut chart, it provides a quick overview of how the expenses are distributed across various categories, helping in identifying major cost centers and managing budgets accordingly.

Transaction Modes

The "Transaction Modes" component shows the different methods used for transactions, such as cash, cheque, or bank transfer. Represented in a pie chart, it indicates the proportion of expenses paid through each mode, offering insights into the preferred or most used payment methods.


The "Banks" component highlights the financial institutions involved in the transactions. Displayed in a donut chart, it shows the total amount handled by each bank, providing a clear view of the distribution of funds across different banks.


The "Branches" component visualizes the expenses incurred by various branches of the institute. Shown in a donut chart, it helps in understanding which branches have higher expenditures, aiding in financial planning and resource allocation.

Expense Records

The detailed expense table provides a comprehensive view of each transaction, listing the date, amount of the expense, category i.e type of expense, such as office rent, bills, salary to the staff and many more, vendor or individual to whom the payment was made, payment mode, originating bank, branch, attachment added and delete button and the person who added the entry. By using delete button we can delete any expense record.

Expense Records

Add Expense

To add any new expense click on the () plus icon near the expense table. A popup screen will appear named add expense. The "Add Expense" form allows users to efficiently enter expense details. It includes fields to specify the amount, payment method, date, and expense category. Users can also select the bank and branch involved, add vendor information, include notes, and attach files. The form is designed for ease of use, ensuring all necessary financial details are captured accurately. Options to save or close the form provide flexibility in managing expense records.

Click Add Icon Add

Edit Expense

To modify/edit any expense click on the edit icon in the expense table beside every expense added. A popup screen will appear named Update expense. The "Update Expense" form allows users to efficiently modify expense details. It includes fields to specify the amount, payment method, date, and expense category. Users can also select the bank and branch involved, add vendor information, include notes, and attach files. The form is designed for ease of use, ensuring all necessary financial details are captured accurately. Options to save or close the form provide flexibility in managing expense records.

Click Edit Icon Edit

Filter Options

Users can specify a date interval using start and end date fields, define an amount range with minimum and maximum values, and select categories of expense from a dropdown menu. Additionally, the filter allows selection of payment recipients, payees, transaction modes, banks, branches, and the admin who added the record, each from their respective menus. These combined filters enable users to effectively manage and analyze expense data by focusing on specific subsets of records, enhancing financial oversight and reporting capabilities.

Click Filter Icon
Filter Options

Export Options

The table offers options to export the data in various formats such as PDF, CSV, and Excel. This feature allows for easy sharing and further analysis of the expense data.

Export Options

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