Cleared Fees

The "Cleared Fees Report" page provides detailed information on the fees that have been cleared for a specified date range. It includes graphical representations of the data as well as a detailed table listing individual transactions. This page is a valuable tool for managing and analyzing cleared fee transactions. By providing detailed information and visual summaries, it supports efficient financial management and reporting.

Graphical Summary

Graphs helps in analyzing payment trends across different modes, courses, banks, and branches. Four pie charts provide a visual summary of the cleared fees data and allow for easy comparison of different categories.

  • Transaction Modes

    Displays the distribution of transaction modes (e.g. Cash, Cheque).

  • Courses

    Shows the total cleared fees by course.

  • Banks

    Illustrates the total cleared fees processed through different banks.

  • Branches

    Represents the total cleared fees across different branches.

  • Total Amount

    The total amount of cleared fees for each category.

Graphical Summary

Cleared Payment Records

The table lists detailed information about each cleared fees transaction. The columns in the table includes details such as payment ID of the transaction, the amount of the transaction, the name of the student for whom the fees were paid, the date when the payment was cleared, the mode of payment (e.g., Cash, Cheque), the payment reference number, the bank through which the payment was processed, the course for which the payment was made, the branch where the payment was received, the name of the administrator who received the payment.

Cleared Payment Records

Export Options

Users can export the table data for further analysis or record-keeping in pdf/csv/excel formats.

Export Options

Filter Options

This filter panel provides administrators with multiple options to filter the cleared fees list based on date range, courses, payment modes, banks and branches. The selected date range is displayed prominently at the top of the report. Filter option enhances the functionality of the cleared fees list by allowing more targeted and specific searches, making it easier to manage and analyze the data.

Click Filter Icon

Filter Options