
This option provides a comprehensive overview of the admission data, showing key metrics through visual charts and detailed student information in a tabular format. The tools for exporting data and filtering/searching the list enhance the usability for administrators managing admissions. Utilize the search bar to quickly find specific students by typing their names or other details. Use the columns dropdown to customize the visibility of the columns as per your requirements. Export the data using the pdf or excel options for offline analysis or record-keeping. Analyze the admission trend to understand peak admission periods and plan accordingly.

Course Wise Admission

  • This section displays a pie chart illustrating the distribution of admissions across various courses.

  • Once you hover over the circle it displays the number of admissions made for a particular course.

Course Wise Admission

Branch Wise Admission

  • This section presents a pie chart depicting the distribution of admissions across different branches.

  • Once you hover over the circle it displays the number of admissions made for a particular branch

Branch Wise Admission Chart

Admission Trend

This section illustrates the admission trends over the months of the current year.

  • Bar Chart

    Visual representation of the number of admissions per month.

  • Months

    The x-axis represents the months from January to December.

  • Admission Count

    The y-axis shows the count of admissions.

Admission Trend

Student List

Student List

Student List

This section provides a detailed list of individual student admissions, including various attributes related to their enrollment.

  • Note

    After clicking on this edit option, student profile will open.

Export Option

Export Option

Export Option

  • Pdf

    Option to export the list as a pdf file.

  • Excel

    Option to export the list as an excel file.

  • Search

    Allows for quick searching of student's details.

  • Column

    Export Column


    Columns section allows users to customize the table view by selecting or deselecting columns. The options include name, status, enrollment date, course, type, batch, branch, last year result, security code, father, mother, studentand other contact details, net fee, received, and balance payments. Each column has a checkbox next to it, with the checked columns currently being displayed in the table. This feature provides flexibility in managing the visibility of various data points for better usability and personalized views.

Filter Options


Filter Options

This filter panel provides administrators with multiple options to filter the student list based on academic year, enrollment date, last year's results, status, branch, course, batch, and subjects. It enhances the functionality of the student list by allowing more targeted and specific searches, making it easier to manage and analyze the data.


Bulk Upload

For bulk admissions click on the upload button available on the right side corner of the student list table.