App Banners

The banners page allows administrators to manage the banners displayed within the application. Administrators can upload new banners, specify redirect links, and delete existing banners.


A list of currently uploaded banners, each with a preview image, the upload date and time, the admin who uploaded it, and a delete button.

Upload New Banner

  1. Click on the () "New Banner" button to open an interface to upload a new banner image. It specifies the recommended resolution for the banner image i.e. 1280 x 720 pixels.

  2. Choose a file for the banner image by clicking the "Choose File" button.

  3. Enter the desired redirect link in the provided text field.

  4. Click the "Upload" button to save the new banner and "Close" button closes the modal without saving any changes. The newly added banner will appear in the list of existing banners.

Click Add Icon Add

Delete Banner

  1. Each existing banner has a "Delete" button associated with it.

  2. Click the "Delete" button, confirm the deletion in the prompt that appears to remove the banner from the application.

Delete App Banner