
This document provides an overview of the assignments section within the application. It includes details about the interface, features, and functionalities available to users. Users can perform various actions such as adding new assignments, managing existing ones, and exporting the list to different formats for further analysis or record-keeping.

Assignments Overview

The main feature of the page is the assignment table, which lists all the assignments with various details. The table includes the following columns such as title of the assignment, the batch or group to which the assignment is assigned, the number of submissions received for the assignment, the status of notifications sent regarding the assignment, the name of the person who added the assignment and the date and time it was added.


How To Add Assignment

To add a new assignment record click on the () plus icon near table, a popup screen will appear enter the details such as academic year, select batch, assignment title, assignment description and attachment. Close button allows users to exit the form without saving any changes. Save changes button enables users to save the entered information and add the assignment.

Click Add Icon Add

Mark Assignment

To mark/edit any assignment click on the assignment title, mark assignment page will open and you can perform further actions.

Mark Assignments

Export Options

These buttons provide options for exporting the assignments data in different formats.

Export Options

Apply Filter

This filter panel provides administrators with multiple options to filter the assignments based on academic year, date interval and batch. Filter option enhances the functionality of the exams by allowing more targeted and specific searches, making it easier to manage and analyze the data.

Click Filter Icon
Filter Options

Interface Elements

  • Column Button

    This button allows the user to manage the visibility of various columns in the assignments list.

  • Search Bar

    This field allows the user to search for specific assignments by title, batch, or other attributes.