Notice & Announcements

The "Notice & Announcements" page is designed to allow administrators to manage and disseminate important notices and announcements to specific batches. This option provides functionalities to add, update, and delete notices, ensuring that all students are kept informed about relevant events and updates.

Notice & Announcements Overview

The main section of the page displays a list of notices in a tabular format. Each row includes title of the notice, the batch to which the notice is applicable, notification option indicates whether the notification has been sent, actions option to edit or delete the notice.


How To Add Notice/Announcements

To add a new notice, the user clicks on the () plus icon, which opens the "Add/Update notice" modal. Fill in the required fields and click on "Save Changes" to add the notice to the list.

Click Add Icon Add

How To Edit Notice Details

To update an existing notice, the user clicks on the edit icon next to the notice in the list. This opens the "Add/Update Notice" modal with the current details populated. Make the necessary changes and click on "Save Changes" to update the notice.

Click Edit Icon Edit

How To Delete Notice

To delete a notice, the user clicks on the delete icon next to the notice in the list. A confirmation dialog appears to ensure the user wants to proceed with the deletion.

Delete Notices

Export Option

The user can export the list of notices to pdf or csv by clicking the corresponding buttons in the toolbar.

  • column

    An option to customize which columns are displayed in the notice list.

Export Options