Revenue Report

"Revenue Report" page provides a detailed summary of financial data, including overall revenue, year-wise distribution, and revenue versus collection comparisons. It also includes a tabular display of individual student fee details over the time interval. This page is designed to provide a comprehensive view of financial data, aiding in the tracking of revenue generation and collection over multiple years.

Visual elements (charts and tables) facilitate easy interpretation of financial metrics, aiding in the identification of trends and areas needing attention. Detailed student fee information helps in monitoring individual student financial transactions and balances. This table splits the fees section based on combo programs. Fees is splitted according to the combo programs and its split percentage.

Current Year Revenue

This section summarizes the financial performance for the current year. A horizontal bar chart represents various financial metrics such as the net amount of revenue generated, the total amount of money received, the remaining balance after expenses.

Current Year Revenue

Year-wise Distribution

This section shows the distribution of revenue across different years. A pie chart illustrates the proportion of revenue for each year. Each segment of the pie chart represents a specific year size of each segment corresponds to the percentage of total revenue for that year.

Year-wise Distribution

Revenue vs Collection

This section compares the revenue generated versus the amount collected over different years. A bar chart displays the comparison of revenue and collection amounts. Bars represent the revenue and collection amounts for each year height of the bars corresponds to the financial amounts.

Revenue vs Collection

Revenue Overview

A comprehensive table lists the fee details of individual students over an interval. This table splits the fees section based on combo programs. Table has columns such as name of the student, course the student is enrolled in, program the student is part of, total fees the student is required to pay, current year fee amount received from the student for current year, fees for the next year, amount received from the student for next year fees for next to next year, amount received from the student for next to next year, total amount received from the student, remaining balance the student owes or is credited.

Revenue Overview

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