Faculty Performance Report

The "Faculty Performance Report" interface provides a comprehensive overview of a faculty member's performance over a specified interval. The report includes various performance metrics such as class attendance, exam attendance, and exam performance over a specified period. This interface is designed to present a clear and concise view of a faculty member's performance, helping educational institutions to monitor, evaluate, and enhance teaching effectiveness. Below is a detailed breakdown of the various sections and elements included in the report.

Course Wise Admission

Basic Information

Basic Information

Basic Information

  • Logo and Institute info

    • Logo

      The organization's logo is displayed at the top left.

    • Brand Name

      Institute name.

    • Address

      Office address of the institute.

  • Faculty Info

    • Faculty Name

      Name of the faculty member.

    • Profile Picture

      Profile picture of the faculty, displayed on the top right.

    • Interval

      The time period for which the performance is being evaluated.

      • Start Date

        The beginning date of the interval.

      • End Date

        The ending date of the interval.

      • Generating the Report

        After selecting the start and end dates, click on the "Generate Report" button. The system will process the input dates and generate a report for the specified interval.

Date Interval Selection Interface

Select Interval

Date Interval Selection Interface

The date interval selection allows users to specify a custom date range for generating various reports. This interface is an essential tool for creating reports that are tailored to specific time periods

  • Start Date

    The beginning date of the interval.

  • End Date

    The ending date of the interval.

Performance Graph

Teacher Performance Graph

Performance Graph

  • Bar Graph

    • Metrics

      Class Attendance, Exam Attendance, Exam Performance.

    • Chart

      A bar graph displaying percentages from 0 to 100 for each metric.

  • Overall Performance

    • Percentage

      Displayed in a circular progress indicator with Overall performance percentage.

  • Examine the graphical representation and overall percentage to get a quick snapshot of the faculty’s performance.

    Look at individual metrics (Class Attendance, Exam Attendance, Exam Performance) to identify specific areas of strength or improvement.

Detailed Faculty Log

Teacher Details Log

Detailed Faculty Log

  • Table Columns

    • Course

      The course identifier or name.

    • Batch

      The specific class or batch designation.

    • Subject

      The subject taught.

    • Exam Attendance

      Percentage of exam attendance.

    • Exam Performance

      Percentage of exam performance.

    • Overall

      Aggregate percentage across all metrics.

  • Total and Grade

    • Total

      Aggregate of all overall percentages.

    • Grade

      Cumulative grade based on performance metrics.

Consider the total and grade to assess the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the faculty member during the specified interval. Grades provide a qualitative measure based on quantitative data.