Mark Exam

This document provides an overview of the mark exam page within the application, detailing the interface, features, and functionalities available to users.


Exam Information

Exam Details

Provides key information about the exam including the current status of the exam (e. g. conducted with percentage statistics of marks and attendance, Scheduled or under evaluation), the notification about the exam, batch, course, subject, topic, date, the time range during which students can punch in, exam timing, and question/solution paper Attachments.

Exam Details

Modify Exam

Allows the user to edit the exam details. Edit the exam details including topic, marks, punch-in range, exam timing and attachments i.e question/solution paper.

Modify Exam

Delete Exam

To delete an exam, click on the delete icon next to the modify tab. Confirm the deletion if prompted to ensure the exam is permanently removed from the list.

Delete Exam

Marks & Remark

Student List

Displays the list of students along with their attendance status, biometric punch in time, marks, and remark fields.

Attendance Toggle

Each student entry has a toggle to indicate attendance status. Change the attendance status for each student by toggling between present and absent. If biometric attendance of students is matching with punch in range then toggle button will turn green and student will be marked present.

Attendance Toggle

Marks Field

Allows the user to enter marks for each student.

Marks Field

Not Applicable Toggle

A blue-colored toggle button used to unselect students for whom the exam is not applicable.

Not Applicable Toggle

Remark Field

Allows the user to add remarks for each student's performance.

Remark Field

Mark Exam Button

Enables the user to save changes made to the attendance, marks, and remarks.

Training Video