Attendance Report

Attendance report is designed to provide a detailed summary of a student's attendance over a specified interval, offering insights according to various subjects. This aims to help users effectively understand and utilize the student attendance efficiently and accurately.


Basic Information

Basic Information

Basic Information

  • Institute Info

    • Institute

      Name and logo of the institute issuing the report card.

    • Institute Address

      Full address of the institute.

  • Student Info

    • Name

      Full name of the student.

    • Admission Date

      The date when the student was admitted.

    • Course

      The course or class the student is enrolled in.

    • Interval

      The period over which the performance is being reported.

    • Profile Picture

      A section to display the student's profile picture for easy identification.

Attendance Review

Attendance Review

Attendance Review

  • Subjects and Attendance

    A list of subjects along with the average attendance by the student in each subject.

  • Bar Graph

    A bar graph depicting the average attendance for each subject, allowing for a quick visual comparison of attendance across subjects.

  • Overall Attendance

    The cumulative average attendance across all subjects, presented as a percentage.

Attendance Details Log

A table providing detailed information on each attendance including.

Attendance Log
  • Date

    Check the dates to know when the classes were attended or missed.

  • Timing

    Review the specific time slots of each class.

  • Subject

    Identify the subjects for which the attendance is recorded.

  • Status

    Look at the status column to see if the student was present or absent.

  • Remark

    Read the remarks for any additional comments regarding the attendance, such as lateness.